In English please

Visit MOM’s library

If you wish to discover the MOM library in English, a first visit is scheduled on Thursday 21st october 2021 at 14h (online registration) and will be led by William Chassin.

To schedule a visit at another time, you can contact us at

Thank you for spreading this information to your non-French speaking students.

The program includes :

  • Discovery of the different collections and services of the library
  • Discovery of workspaces
  • How to use of the MOM catalog – Frantiq & Mir@bel
  • Initiation to online resources, free access : Persée, OpenEdition, HAL, Digimom, 1000 TP
  • Initiation to online resources, paid for by SCD Lyon 2 and Library Lyon Diderot


All Informations to  use  MOM’s library

You will find on this article all informations you need about MOM’s library :


Registration is compulsory and free. It must be renewed every year.

  • Required documents for Students : current year student card
  • Required documents for Researchers and teacher-researchers : Status card Borrow MOM’s

Loans : Researchers and teacher-researchers can borrow 10 documents for a month, and Students from the Université de Lyon 2 can take 5 books for a week. Delays in returns result into systematic loan suspensions.

Not for loan : some periodicals, new books (on the shelves of each domain), bibliographies given by teachers, books on the domain REF, some books on closed-stacks.


Access to the documents :

Connect on :

Each subject is given a classification or shelf number to help you find the book you want in the Library. You can find the shelf number of a book or journal by using the Library Catalogue. You should take care to note down the shelf number exactly, including any punctuation. Shelf numbers may include one or more decimal points. The documents are organised by their domains, and are represented by 3 letters (such as ACL in the domain’s description that you find on the left of the leaflet) and a color (e.g. : Acl is in red).

Each document has a call number, found in the catalogue.

  • Books : A call number looks like this and gives you informations to find it easly : AOR DS263.A72. K5 2015 = means AOR = 2nd floor, Ancient Near East and Aegean world domain DS263.A72 = architecture en Iran K5 = symbolizes the author 2015 = publishing year
  • Periodicals : are arranged alphabetically by title

Some documents are in closed stacks and restricted areas such as theses, dissertations or antiquarian books. In order to consult them, ask the staff, fill in a form at the information desk. Those books are not borrowable and you have to return them before the library closes. The request must be submitted before 5:00 p.m. and the documents must be reported before the front desk closes.

 Other services :

MOM Bibliotheque Website :

Facebook Page

Free Internet access

Free wi-fi is available to credential possessors of Lyon 2

Yellow bookmark : You can keep a maximum of 5 books for one week (from Monday to Friday afternoon) on your library desk by filling in a yellow form, similar to a bookmark, with your name and the dates. Every Friday afternoon, the books are shelved.



OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
William Chassin (7 octobre 2021). In English please. Préfixes. Consulté le 20 septembre 2024 à l’adresse

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